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Setting up Ubuntu for Web Development

  • Update apt cache : sudo apt-get update

  • Upgrade apt cache : sudo apt-get upgrade

  • Install Guake Terminal :

    If you love to work in terminal, then you’ll must love Guake terminal. By pressing F12, you can easily turn on/off the terminal.

    To install guake terminal, run: sudo apt-get -y install guake

    • Add Guake to StartUp Applications

      After installing Guake terminal, it’ll not start automatically on boot. To start Guake terminal when the machine boot:

      Goto System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications

      or Dash (Window button) -> Type: Startup Applications

      The Startup Application Preferences window opens. Then, click in Add, give a Name for the Application in the Name field ("Guake" it’s enough), and then type guake in the command field and click Add.

      On Startup load Guake Terminal

      Then close the Startup Application Preferences window and restat the machine, now Guake should start automatically on login.

      Or, if you want to do it with command prompt, then:

      sudo cp /usr/share/applications/guake.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/

  • Install dotfiles

    If you want to personalize your system, then you can use any of the dotfiles available in github. I’m a fan of mathiasbynens/dotfiles.

    To use it (in a single command):

    git clone && cd dotfiles && source
  • Install Remarkable (Markdown Editor)

    To directly download the Remarkable Editor, go to their official website.

    Or, if you want to download it with terminal, then open the terminal:


    Then install the .deb file on your system.

  • Install Unity Tweak Tool

    sudo apt-get -y install unity-tweak-tool

  • Install Unrar

    sudo apt-get -y install unrar

  • Install Vim Editor

    sudo apt-get -y install vim

  • Install Git

    sudo apt-get -y install git

  • Setup SSH key :

    Open the terminal and write: ssh-keygen

    Press Enter for options. If you want to add a passphrase for the key, then insert the passphrase, otherwise skip it by pressing Enter.

    To copy the public SSH key to the clipboard, run:

    xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/

    If you want to check if any SSH key exists, then on terminal:

    ls -al ~/.ssh

    It will lists the files in your .ssh directory, if they exist.

  • Install LAMP Stack : Check this tutorial.

  • Install Bower

    npm install -g bower

    Bower requires nodejs and git pre-installed on the system.

  • Install Composer Globally :

    Run these commands to globally install composer on your system:

    curl -sS | php

    mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

    Note: If the above fails due to permissions, run the mv line again with sudo.

    To check if composer successfully installed on your system,

    run : composer in terminal and you’ll see a list of helpful commands.