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Create Virtual Host on Ubuntu

Suppose, You want to create a virtual host for your laravel project like To create a virtual host for a project, you need to follow the steps below: For Ubuntu LAMP, Open /ete/apache2/sites-available/00-default.conf and add this: Or, create a new file i.e. /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and insert the snippet: <VirtualHost *:80>...

Create Laravel Project in an existing directory on Ubuntu

Installing Laravel with laravel global command is too easy. We just need to do laravel new projectName. That’s it! But what will happen if we create a new folder first and then try laravel global command to get the laravel files within that directory? It is not possible in a...

Change Server Name on Ubuntu

When we install ubuntu on our System, it shows as userName@serverName The default server/computer name was set when you were installing Ubuntu. You can easily change it to whatever you want in both Desktop & Server by editing the hosts and hostname files. To do this temporarily until next boot,...

File Permission for project release

Before launching a project, it’s difficult to check each and every files and directories of the project. It’ll be easier if there is any command that will automatically set the same permission for all of the files and directories. To do this, Open your project root directory in the Terminal...

Using MySQL database via CLI

If you’re a Unix user, and also a developer, then you’re surely love to do stuff with command line interface (CLI). It’s fun to work in a command line interface environment. Don’t be afraid. It’s easy to use MySQL database for basic operation via command line interface. To start mysql...